Saturday, October 04, 2008

Dryland workout in Age Group

10-1-08: With the new season, Summer and a bunch of her teammates were promoted up to the "Age Group" division (from B+). That now includes dry land exercises before swimming on T and Th. Here are a couple of shots of her doing their exercises.

"Come on, Summer, throw that medicine ball harder!"
Fellow ballerina Victoria and Summer show excellent posture in this squat.
High-stepping it in 90-deg heat! Man, they can't wait to get into the cool water.
Making killer abs and core on land makes them faster in the water.
Summer & Jenny get down to do push-ups because they dropped their medicine ball.
Bands are a key part of their dry land workout.
Some can't help to use the bands for other purposes. "Pow!" "Ouch!"
Hooded Jenny wants to get in the water now!

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