Thursday, August 28, 2008

Makowski summer secret!

8-28-08: For over 2 months, the Makowskis (and Martells) have kept a deep, dark, secret. (Ok, not deep and dark, but a secret nonetheless!)

Today, Thomas, Mike, and I had taken the day off months ago to take Thomas's catamaran out sailing at Lake Perris. Unfortunately, I had to bail on them and couldn't go afterall.

Thomas said he "needed a 3rd guy to help load something with the boat" so feeling guilty about bailing, I said I could come over in the AM to help for a short time.
Here's what we saw when we finally went outside...Vivian's car...and trailer hooked up to it carrying a...

...Ski Nautique???!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?! What in the world?!?!?!?!
Needless to say, we were all dumbfounded, especially when we learned they had had it for a couple of months to learn how to drive it and all. No wonder Jenny and Gaby were so good on the knee board and wake board at Mivoden!!!

We were very impressed that they...especially the girls...could keep a secret that long. Wow!

Well, now it was hard for me to bail, so Thomas urged me to take one lap around the lake and then they'd drop me off at the dock so I could go back. So with a borrowed pair of swim trunks and a t-shirt, off we went!

Hmmm, who is Thomas talking to???
Unloading the speed boat at Lake Perris
Mike, White Lighting, and Captain Rasheed
Taking my lap around the *large* lake...notice how dry my hair stayed the whole time. That came in handy later on. ;-) Great wakeboard too!
Nice form, White Lighting!
Mike is still working on getting up...he's almost there, and maybe Rasheed will teach some of us to drive so he can wakeboard if Vashti isn't with us!

I'm sure all the kids will now want to go out with Uncle Thomas on the lake!

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