Sunday, July 15, 2007

10th b-day photo shoot

7-14-07 When Summer celebrates a b-day, we document it with a photo shoot. Sometimes we go out on location, and other times, we try it inside in our make-shift studio. This year, we chose the studio route, using our small dining area for this particular shoot for some of the fill-in light. Here are some highlights, featuring some of the major aspects of her life. Enjoy!

Getting the "model" ready...these prima donnas can be tough to work with sometimes! LOL!

Her standard, dress picture. I know, we need to get a hairlight or something--maybe when I open up my photo side business and can get more equipment! ;-)

Had to work the "boy" into the picture. He really had to be coaxed with some treats!

As most of you know, swimming is a big part of her life. Here she is, modeling the RST Speedo bathing suit.

Dance is another big part of her life. Here she is, striking a pose in her red ballet outfit.

Here's one we did a bit of editing on to see how it would come out.

Doesn't this look like a poster or sign???

Not part of the photoshoot, just a shot of Summer with some of her close friends at church (L-R: Natalie, Michelle, Summer, and Jenny). Sometimes, the candids are the best!!

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