Thursday, December 15, 2005


Thursday, Dec. 14, was Summer and cousin Josh's Christmas recital. They played a duet and did very well!

Summer also played a 2nd duet with Keri. It was a last-minute entry on the program and Auntie Helen forgot but thanks to Josh for reminding her, so she got everyone to sit back down for the "encore".

Here's their proud teacher, Auntie Helen, with Summer and Josh. They enjoyed their "vitamins" that they received after the recital from her. ;-)

The next day, Thomas Makowski (aka "Rasheed", an interventional cardiologist where we work and one of my best buds whom I love to jam with in our group, Iron Cross) and I did our 3rd annual taping on Haven of Rest with host, Charles Morris. Thankfully, there were no zingers that caught me off guard this year! It was on health, weight, nutrition, exercise, pediatric obesity, and even talked about exertainment and how my dad is using Eye Toy to get his workouts in. It'll air sometime in January, but I don't listen to it because I hate to hear myself talk. I sound like a girl!



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